Saying goodbye to CLEO in San Jose from the air!

We recently attended the very exciting CLEO 2023 conference in San Jose, CA. The conference included a fascinating range of talks from academia and industry on topics as diverse as deep neural networks, multi-mode fibres, and critical coupling. Mehul presented an invited talk on “harnessing complexity for manipulating spatiotemporal entanglement” at the Symposium on Enabling Highly Multimode Nonlinear and Quantum Photonics, organised by Logan Wright and Marco Piccardo. He also presented a talk on our work on our work on noise and loss-robust quantum steering in the Quantum Network Protocols session. Besides all the great science, it was also very nice to catch up with old friends and colleagues from around the world!

PRL: Sorting overlapping Quantum States

Evolution of three input modes in red, green and blue that are sorted into respective outcomes with their overlap sorted into the ambiguous outcome that turns white.

We are excited to announce that our latest work ‘Simultaneously Sorting Overlapping Quantum States of Light‘ has been published in Physical Review Letters. In this collaboration with the QOCI Group, we demonstrate simultaneous and efficient sorting of non-orthogonal transverse-spatial states of light in up to seven dimensions. This has been made possible by employing a multi-plane light converter (MPLC) to program high-dimensional POVMs that correspond to unambiguous discrimination of the quantum states. The MPLC employs an additional auxiliary outcome that sorts the overlap of all the modes into an ambiguous outcome.

An implication of this method is that we can sort overlapping images encoded with coherent sources. We demonstrate this by sorting three smiley faces with an accuracy of 97.6%, implying accurate image classification with light!